It's time for you to become your own boss!!
As many of you know, lashing is one of the fastest growing & most lucrative industries. It's sooo important that if you decide to become a lash artist, you learn how to do it properly and well!
What better way to start or advance your career than taking an amazing lash course from me?! I am a licensed aesthetician from Los Angeles, California. I will give you the blueprint to how I grew my clientele from 2 clients to over 200 clients within a short amount of time by doing QUALITY lashes. I have taken multiple lash courses & studied 1 on 1 with some of the best lash artists in America. I am passionate about lashing & I love teaching others how to properly & beautifully lash
During the Beginner Classic & Intro To Hybrid course you will learn:
* How to properly lash
* Lash sanitation
* Lash growth & cycles
* How to build your client base
* How to deal with different types of client
* How to maintain good posture & maintain your health while lashing
* How to customize sets to your clients eyes
* Contraindications to lashing
* Lash mapping
* Business tips .
Basically everything you need to get you started on a successful lash business & you will have lifetime mentorship
Beginner Classic & Intro To Hybrid Lash kit ($250 value) with enough supplies to do at least 10 clients Includes:
* lash manual
* practice mannequin
* practice lashes
* 4 trays of lashes
* adhesive
* 3 tweezers
* primer
* lash pallet
* 3 different tapes
* undereye pads
* mascara wands
* microfiber wands
* cream remover
* foam lash wash
* fan
* travel bag
Students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of each course once they demonstrate comprehension of the lesson.
It’s so important to invest in yourself because you will never go broke by doing so. When you learn a trade service you are ALWAYS in demand. Reserve your seat to take my lash course and learn how you can become your own boss by lashing.
Let's put it into perspective:
As a beginning lash artist you will have the potential of making at least $750 a day. Yes, as a beginning lash artist. So just imagine how much you can make as an established, well trained lash artist 🤯
If you look at the lash industry the same way that you look at the hair industry, you will understand the similarities. There are thousands of hairstylist in one city who are still BOOKED daily because there are certain stylists that certain clients prefer. Same goes with lashing. There are thousands of potential clients everywhere. There's ALWAYS the chance to make money when you know how to do a service well.
All Classes taught 1 on 1 and include appropriate premium kit & certification of completion
Beginner Classic & Intro To Hybrid Training 6.5 hours or less depending on the student's comprehension & time spent on model
Russian Volume & Mega Volume Technique 5 hours
Lash Refresher Course All Styles 3 hours
Multiple Payment & Finance Options Available
Feel free to email me any questions at Lashedbysteele@gmail.com